
The Safeguarding obligations within a school are not the responsibility of just one person, they fall to every member of the schools staff. If anybody has a suspicion of an issue they are required to act rather than assume somebody else will manage the situation.

Safeguarding in schools could be seen as a minefield but really it’s about using common sense and surfacing issues early to protect children.

Every school has a safeguarding policy that is documented and assessed, based on the guidance from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE). That’s all well and good, however, every member of staff in the school needs to really understand the policy, to have completed the raining including worked examples to help to think clearly when under pressure.

  • Each member of school staff needs to:
  • Understand the school policies on safeguarding and the procedures to follow.
  • Know the roles and responsibilities of the designated child protection person.
  • Understand signs and symptoms of child abuse.
  • Know what to do if you have any safeguarding concerns.

So how would you rate your knowledge of the school safeguarding policy?

How familiar are you with the school safeguarding policy?

Would you recognise signs of possible abuse?

Would you know what to do if you have a safeguarding concern?

Do you know who the designated child protection person is within the school?

Do you also know who the deputy designated person is?

Would you confidently act if the designated person and deputy designated person are not available?

Safeguarding key principles within a school

The school will ensure that the welfare of children is given paramount consideration when developing and delivering all school activity.

All children, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection.

All staff have an equal responsibility to act on any suspicion or disclosure that may suggest a child is at risk of harm in accordance with the school’s guidance.

All pupils and staff involved in child protection issues will receive appropriate support from the senior management of the school.

All staff have an equal responsibility

It is not the sole responsibility of any one person – if you have the suspicion then it is your responsibility!


If you speak with a child who discloses an issue voluntarily, it is your responsibility to report it. Do not promise to keep secrets.


Solid physical proof isn’t needed to report a possible safeguarding issue. Trust your instinct, if you see or hear something that doesn’t feel right then report it.


Follow the appropriate procedures straight away. You shouldn’t “sleep on it”, or wait to discuss situations that raise a safeguarding concern with someone else who is not the designated person.

There is further information on topics such as Keeping Pupils Safe from Sexual Abuse & Harassment.

4myschools provides access to certified safeguarding training to supply teachers, teaching assistants and any school staff. We do this on a subsidised basis as part of our continuing giving back to support teaching and learning. If you are a supply teacher and want to take part in any of the CPD events you are welcome to register your interest and we will contact you with the schedule of events.