4myschools have been established and trading with schools and candidates across Essex, Suffolk, Hertfordshire, and Norfolk since 2008. Over the years regular questions have come up from our supply teachers and support staff. We have compiled the most popular for you here:

What time do I have to arrive at the school for day-to-day supply?

Please refer to your assignment confirmation email to check for school arrival times, which can vary from school to school with further details on who to report to.

When will I get paid?

4myschools pay our supply teachers and support staff one week in arrears on a Friday.

How much will I get paid?

For daily supply attracts a lower rate of pay than if you commit to a long-term assignment requiring more planning, marking and commitment. Daily supply rates are competitive and differ from school to school and area to area, however, 4myschools will always endeavour to gain the highest rate of pay we can for you.

Once you have been to a school on several occasions, 4myschools will try to negotiate a higher rate for you and once you reach 12 weeks the school and 4myschools will be legally obliged to pay you the scale point that the school would pay you if they employed you themselves. 

If you commit to a long-term assignment, we will always negotiate a higher rate with our client schools as we believe you deserve more. 

Am I employed by 4myschools when on an assignment?

You can choose to be employed by 4myschools or by the two approved umbrella companies we have arrangements with. If employed by 4myschools you are employed on a contract for services which means you have worker rights this is different from an employment contract. 

A contract for services gives you flexibility to work when you want and gain worker rights like pension, sick and holiday pay.

Nasa consulting and Key Portfolio employees are still assigned by 4myschools and paid via the umbrella PAYE scheme although 4myschools are not their employer. Candidates who work with multiple agencies sometimes prefer to be employed by an umbrella company so they have one employer and can be assigned by many agencies working through one umbrella company.

Will I receive pay in school holidays?

4myschools supply teachers and support staff are paid to 195th of a full-time salary during term time. Schools are open 195 days and therefore to receive pay parity with full time school staff we divide your salary by 195.

This means if we have negotiated a current M6 salary for you, we divide this salary by 195 days so if you worked every day the school was open you would receive the same pay as an equivalent staff member employed by the school annually. 

What is (AWR) Agency Worker Regulations?

The Agency Workers Regulations 2010 (AWR) give supply teachers who are supplied to schools by agencies the right to be engaged on at least the same terms and conditions as teachers or support staff who are employed by schools directly. This is referred to as equal treatment. If you are an agency worker, you are entitled to work under the same basic employment rights that would have applied if the school had taken you on directly. These will apply after you have worked in the same role for the same ‘hirer’ for 12 weeks. You will also be entitled to certain Day One rights from the first day of an assignment.

What are Day One Rights as a Supply Teacher or Support Staff?

From day one of an assignment, you will be entitled to the right to access information on job vacancies and the right to access collective on-site facilities, such as car parking, childcare facilities, canteen facilities and any transport services that are provided to the teachers and support staff employed directly by the school. 

What is equal treatment in relation to (AWR) Agency Worker Regulations?

Equal treatment means the terms and conditions that relate to; pay, duration of working time, night work, rest periods, rest breaks, and annual leave. These rights apply once you have qualified for equal treatment, but you will not become an employee of the school. 

How do I keep you updated with my availability?

4myschools use updatedge – an availability app that connects your schedule directly with our systems and other agencies or schools who choose to use the service. That means we always know when you are available for work without having to call you. Through this app, you can also connect with your favourite schools so when they have a need, they can see your availability and easily reach out to you. Using updatedge keeps your availability up to date and will increase your opportunities for work.

How do I complete timesheets? 

4myschools do not waste your time asking you to complete pointless paper or electronic timesheets, we simply do this for you at the end of every week with the schools you have worked at. 

Do I need to pay 4myschools for any service out of my wages?

Agencies such as 4myschools must not deduct any amount from their candidates for employment services, this would be in breach of The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003.

If you are assigned by 4myschools and employed by an umbrella company, they are permitted to charge you for payroll costs however this is not deducted by 4myschools and is an agreement you have with your umbrella company as your employer. 

If you choose to be employed by 4myschools there is no charge for payroll services.

When do I pay into my pension and can I use my Teacher Pension?

4myschools is legally required to auto enrol all eligible employees, we use The Peoples Pension.

Supply agencies including 4myschools are not currently permitted to participate in The Teachers’ Pension Scheme, we continue to pursue this issue to secure equal access to the TPS for all teachers working in state-funded schools.

When in a Long-Term Assignment if I am not well who do I inform?

Please ensure you call 4myschools by 7am and if you can contact your line manager at the school with the reason for absence and when you think you can return to work.

For more questions or information, get in touch with us.