My Best Teacher podcast: Gabrielle

My Best Teacher podcast: Gabrielle

The pop icon talks about her school days and how one teacher’s enthusiasm for poetry led her to song-writing stardom. We chat to singer Gabrielle about her school days and the moments that influenced her, including:  How her English teacher inspired a love...
What Are Successful Students Doing Well?

What Are Successful Students Doing Well?

Santa Maria College discusses why some very bright children fail to be successful students pulling on research from Carol Dweck and Professor John Hattie. Obviously, a good brain alone is not enough to achieve academic success. By academic success, we don’t just mean...
The importance of schools staying open

The importance of schools staying open

Back to School: Experts underline the importance of minimising disruption in schools. What do the experts say? Experts agree that it is important for young people go back to schools and colleges for a range of reasons and it remains crucial that they have as normal an...